Rice Quality Analyzer

The RCAI has developed a solution named Grain Scan that can reliably identify the length, width of the rice, Broken rice percentage, Total weight of the sample whereas our solution also detects the Chalky and yellow grains as well as their weighted Percentages. RCAI has successfully developed a system namely Rice Quality Analyzer to overcome the issues faced by exporters when grains are exported. Quality parameters of food products are characterized and reviewed into various evaluations. Since these grains are exported, physical evaluation is tedious, might be changing outcomes and costly. A manual quality check takes approximately 1 hour to analyze 10 grams of Rice grain sample. Consequently, exporters usually face rejection for their grain or receive less payment for their exports. Rice Quality Analyzer identifies different parameters like average length, average width,of sample, whole grain, aspect ratio to facilitate the exporters in terms of money by improving the quality inspection and decreasing the human error. Thus, Rice Quality Analyzer is time saving, gives accuracy results up to 99% and one-time investment which leads to cost efficiency and an increment to the exports of Pakistan. The Rice Quality Analyzer (RQA) is a revolution in the rice export industry. It ensures fast and accurate rice grain analysis which is a huge leap for economic sustainability in Pakistan. The automation of classifying every single rice grain assures good exports as large quantities of rice are efficiently separated with little to no error. Currently, RCAI has filed a patent for the device and is looking for collaborators to deploy this device in more industries.